
Four Types Of Investment Management Strategies Your Financial Planner Can Help You With In Australia

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Investment management involves more than just buying and selling stocks and shares. It’s about making sure that you’re doing the right thing with your money, whether it’s in the short term or the long term. A good financial planner will help you make informed decisions about how to invest your money. And they’ll do so by using one of four main strategies. 1. Passive Management Passive investment management strategies refer to those that don’t require any active participation from the investor.…

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How to Make Sure That You Don't Stand Out Like a Sore Thumb at Tax Time

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Taxday is always just around the corner, and it seems to approach even more quickly when you’re not prepared. If you shake in your boots when you think of submitting your tax return to the ATO, it could be that you’re not aware of all the rules and regulations, or you might be prone to making some of the more common mistakes. To help you to sleep a little better at night, what are some of the biggest pitfalls you should avoid?…

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Working Abroad and Paying Tax: 3 Things to Consider

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Increasing numbers of Australians are choosing to work abroad while on extended holidays. Doing this can be a great way of extending your budget and your vacation. However, while you see the world, it is also important to keep on top of any tax payments so you can avoid any nasty bills when you return home. Below is a guide to 3 things you should do when working abroad. Report all sources of income…

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5 Signs You Need a Financial Adviser

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A financial advisor helps you decide where and how to invest your money. Wondering if you need a financial advisor? Here are five signs that you do. 1. You Want Help Planning for Retirement Most workers make enough money to get by, and some make ample sums to cover the basics and a lot of fun. However, what happens when you’re not working? What about retirement? A financial adviser can help you set retirement goals.…

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4 Signs You Need Liability Coverage If You Run Your Business From Your Home

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When many people think of business liability coverage, they think only brick-and-mortar shops need it. They may think of the classic case of someone slipping on a banana peel in the produce section and taking the shop owner to court for injury compensation. However, it’s not just business owners with storefronts who need business insurance. Work from home? Wondering if you need liability coverage? Here are some signs you do:…

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